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A Call to Prayer for Kenya


Updated: Jul 7, 2020

Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12

The heading in the ESV Study Bible titles this section of Romans 12, "Marks of the True Christian." Paul is reminding us as believers of characteristics that should mark our lives in a way that causes a lost and dying world to be drawn to the hope that is within us.

In accordance with this Scripture, our brothers and sisters at Mescal's Children's Center of Hope have asked us to join with them in faithful prayer as the COVID-19 virus begins to affect Kenya's economy, health care system, and access to daily provisions that many in the United States give little thought to. In an example that nations across the world would do well to follow, Kenyan President, Uhuru Kenyatta, has declared March 21, 2020, a day of national prayer regarding the COVID-19 crisis. The president's office sent an email to Kenyans earlier this week (full transcript below) acknowledging the nation's desperate need for God in all things, and calling Kenyans to pray for the Lord's mercy and protection for their nation during this time.

As a MCCH family, we are humbly calling on all MCCH partners to spend time tomorrow and in the coming days intentionally praying for Kenya, as well as our children, staff, and leadership at Mescal's. We have been in contact with MCCH Executive Director, Ruth Owuor, who constantly reminds anyone she comes into contact with of the power and absolute necessity of prayer, today and every day! Please find a list of specific MCCH prayer requests below, along with a full transcript of President Kenyatta's national call to prayer.

We are forever grateful for your partnership in the gospel work that is taking place through MCCH in both Kenya and the United States. Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer!

Please be in prayer for:

  • Physical health and protection for the children, staff, and local community members.

  • Availability of daily supplies in the community.

  • Wisdom and guidance for the Kenyan leadership of MCCH as they navigate this time and seek to be a light and encouragement to the surrounding community.

  • Peace and comfort for the children and teens who are not attending school at this time; particularly the high school and college students who are home at MCCH and concerned with maintaining progress in their challenging academic course load.

PROCLAMATION OF THE NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER BY H.E. UHURU KENYATTA, C.G.H, PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA AND COMMANDER-IN-CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE FORCES, 17TH MARCH 2020 Fellow Kenyans, The world today is facing a serious threat, brought about by a spreading pandemic that is affecting all peoples, all countries and institutions across the globe. In our own local context, we have done and continue to do everything possible to keep our citizens safe, and prevent further spread of the virus to our population while securing the continuity of business operations. Indeed as I said on Sunday, I and my Ministers will keep you regularly informed on developments as we move on into the future. But fellow Kenyans even with these efforts, we cannot ignore the need to turn to God.  In these circumstances as we have done in the past as a nation, we have always turned to God first to give thanks for the many blessings that He has bestowed on our nation. But we also turn to God to share our fears, our apprehensions, but also to seek his guidance and ever-present protection. We acknowledge always that we are nothing without our God. And we have learnt over time that turning to God in such times gives us not only comfort but also hope and strength to overcome even those challenges that for us as humans may seem insurmountable. With this in mind and after consulting a cross-section of ordinary Kenyans as well as our religious leaders, I have decided to declare this coming Saturday, 21st March 2020, as a National Day for Prayer. In consideration of the protocols that we announced on Sunday and other ongoing protocols that will be announced from time to time, I have thought it necessary that this day of prayer be observed in our homes, in our places of work or wherever we shall be residing on that day. This prayer day will be led by a team of religious leaders here at State House, Nairobi starting at 12.00 noon on Saturday. To this end, I appeal to our media houses and kindly request them to broadcast this event live on all our television stations, our radio stations and our online platforms so that we can facilitate every single Kenyan to participate in this event. On that day, through our religious leaders, we will be asking God for His forgiveness for anything that we may have done wrong or wronged Him. On that day, we shall together ask for His protection and blessing for our Nation, for our people, for the world and all global citizens. We shall ask God to abide with us, and to guide us, both in this period, and in times to come. And in this, I am guided by the following scripture and I will quote from St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians as read in the book of Phillipians 4: 6 – 9, “Do not worry about anything instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank Him for all He has done. Then, you will experience God’s peace which exceeds anything we can ever understand. His peace will guide your hearts, your minds as you live in Christ Jesus.” He goes on to say:  “And now dear brothers and sisters, one final word, fix your thoughts on what is true and honourable, and what is right and pure, and what is lovely and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and worthy of praise. Keep putting in practice all you have learnt and received from me, everything you have heard and saw me doing then the God of peace will be with you. Fellow Kenyans, Let us join hands together on Saturday. Let us pray for our country. Let us pray for our unity. Let us pray to see this pandemic resolved and let us pledge to love one another, to live in peace and harmony with each other and let us pray that the world will once again refocus itself on those things that are good, on those things that are virtuous, on those things that are peaceful. May God bless you all and may God bless the Republic of Kenya.

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