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We Welcome Emily Griffin to the Mescal Team!


Updated: Jul 7, 2020

The growth of Mescal's has prompted the need to hire a Program Director to oversee operations here in the United States. We are delighted to welcome Emily Griffin to the Mescal's team as our first Program Director. She will begin serving March 1.

She currently is working as a social worker with Lifeline Children's Services, a well respected Christian adoption agency, here in the Southeast. Serving there has afforded her a wealth of knowledge in the area of orphan care. Emily has made numerous mission trips out of the country and has a keen love and understanding of foreign missions, as well. She has been to Mescal's twice, once serving as the mission team leader. Our staff there at MCCH in Kenya know Emily well and have highly recommended her for this position. Most importantly, she is a passionate Christ Follower and will be a wonderful asset to the ministry. (Also, she just happens to be Mescal's granddaughter.) Welcome, Emily!

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