Dear Friends and Ministry Partners of MCCH,
We have disappointing news to share with you, as well as a serious call to prayer for our friends who are family in Kenya. Recently, there has been growing political unrest and rioting in Kenya in connection with the presidential election that occurred in August 2022 (watch more here). Because of this, the MCCH Kenya and USA teams have made the joint decision to postpone our April mission trip until a time when travel would be more safe and wise.
Why is this political unrest happening? Political analysts, government officials, and everyone in between have their theories, but we'll give you our take, as well. At the end of the day, the enemy is using broken, sin-sick systems and people to do the most possible damage in the little time he has left to reign in the world. We're grateful to serve a sovereign King who has already overcome the world and everything it has to offer (John 16:33)! This is something to be celebrated in an even greater way in the days leading up to Easter!
Our kids and staff at MCCH, as well as the high schoolers in boarding school, are safe at present; praise the Lord! While it breaks our hearts to postpone this trip, we trust God's timing in every detail of the situation, as well as the wisdom He's given our team on the ground to guide us in this matter. We're still working through details and processing the news. A clear path forward isn't in place yet, other than a strong calling to pray for the nation of Kenya! We're going to be putting out directed resources for doing this soon, but would you please begin today to pray that the Lord would intervene and bring peace, protection, and unity toward's God's purpose in Kenya? And would you add to the prayer list the hurting hearts of the Kenya team, Mescal's Kids, and the USA mission team as we work through the disappointment of a delayed reunion with our family? In every season, He is worthy of all glory, honor, and praise!
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Romans 12:12