On MCA Kindergarten graduation day, there was a time in the ceremony for celebrating the graduates with brightly-colored leis. One by one, family members walked up and placed leis around the neck of their student, hugged them, and showed their pride in their student's hard work and achievements.
When the time came for one of Mescal’s Kids (a child living in the children’s home) to be honored, for a brief moment, one might have worried about who would celebrate this student. The moment was truly brief, for this little girl was soon swarmed by Mescal's Kids and staff, covered head to toe in leis, and was lifted high with singing and dancing to celebrate her as an image-bearer of Christ and a cherished member of the Mescal’s family.
Many years ago, a partner team from the USA taught Mescal's Kids a song entitled "I Am Not Forgotten". Some of the lyrics are lyrics below:
I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
I am not forgotten
God knows my name
Light over darkness
Strength over weakness
Joy over sadness
He knows my name
Father to the fatherless
Friend to the friendless
Hope for the hopeless
He knows my name
The moment of seeing this little girl being celebrated by so many was a visual reminder of a spiritual truth: none of us are forgotten in the kingdom of God.
