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God Provides a Building for Mescal's Kids!


In a few short months and by December of 2014, God provided the $108,000 needed to construct the 3400 square foot facility for the orphanage. He touched the hearts of 22 different churches and groups and 127 individuals, to give to the building fund. While many had hoped that God would raise up a generous benefactor to finance the new building, He chose to do it literally with "the widow's mite." There were most probably between 1,000 and 2,000 individuals that had a part in providing this much needed building for Mescal's Kids.

As we watched God provide through the sacrificial giving of many, we were humbled and in awe. For the Mescal Family, it has been a marvelous journey of faith, watching our Jehovah Jireh so ably provide for these the "least of His." Praises and Glory to Him alone!

Ground breaking was in January, 2015, and below are pictures reflecting the progress of the project:



MARCH 2015

APRIL 2015

MAY 2015

The finishing work is being done and we hope to occupy in July.

Ruth reports that people are coming from all over the area to marvel at the structure. Many Christians have come to pray over the land and building and to thank God for the Americans who have provided this for Mescal's Kids and their community.

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